Musician / Technology Servant


Think back to when you attended your walk or served on an Emmaus, Chrysalis or Kairos team. Or when you worshiped at a recent church service or Emmaus gathering. Likely the worship was a precious, sweet time where you felt close to Christ. Music takes us to another realm where we can praise and lose ourselves in declaring our love for Jesus. Lyrics and melody strike us in a way nothing else can.

If you love to make a joyful noise or play an instrument and want to participate in music on a team or as a Candlelight musician. Let the Music Chair below know that you’re interested in making that difference in the pilgrims lives.
If you have that desire to make the music look as good as the musicians make it sound good and have a basic understanding of Microsoft Office’s PowerPoint. That is all you need to make that happen in the conference room. In addition, knowledge Word & Excel are also used to help you assist the walk leadership team.
It is so awesome to serve alongside the music team as the technology servant and with new technology improvements being introduced this coming 2023 Fall season will make the Tech Servants role a blast.

Our Music and Technology Training Session held at on January 2023 was a huge success!

We are planning another training session in July of 2023 for the Fall season servants.

Please check back soon for the date of our next session or drop a note to either:
[email protected]   [email protected]