Community Gatherings

One of the best ways to stay connected with your Emmaus community is to attend a Gathering. Whenever possible, Gatherings are held on a monthly basis at various churches throughout the North Georgia area. It is a great opportunity to refresh and renew your Emmaus experience.

Gatherings offer powerful praise, worship and the celebration of Holy Communion. Gatherers will hear a “Fourth Day” talk, given by a community member who will share the ways in which the Lord has worked in their lives since their own Emmaus Walk. Important announcements about upcoming walks and opportunities for service will be made followed by a potluck dinner and fellowship.

NGWTE Gatherings are “open” and everyone is welcome to attend, whether they’ve been to an Emmaus weekend or not! It is a great way to introduce friends and family members who may be interested in attending a Walk.


One of the best ways to stay connected with your Emmaus community is to attend a Gathering. Whenever possible, Gatherings are held regularly at various churches throughout the North Georgia area. It is a great opportunity to refresh and renew your Emmaus experience. Gathering dates will be posted when they are confir0med. All Emmaus, Chrysalis and Face To Face communities are welcome!

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Our next gathering will be held at:

Come back here soon for an update of our next gathering

Fellowship and food will begin the evening so don’t forget to bring a dish to share!
First time attendees are excluded from bringing a dish.
Prospective Pilgrims are also welcome to attend!

Sponsors – Here’s your opportunity to introduce your 4th day pilgrims to North Georgia Emmaus Community’s 3rd gathering of 2024!

Will your church host a gathering?

Please pray about hosting a Gathering at your church. It is easy to plan, and we have all the tools to help you!

Contact Martin Conner, Fourth Day Activities Board Chairperson, at [email protected] for more information. We want to come to a Gathering at your church!

Planning a Gathering, in 10 Easy Steps

  1. Set A Date!
    • Gatherings are held on Friday or Saturday nights
    • Contact the Gathering Chairperson, at [email protected] to see if date is available on the NGWTE Calendar
    • Schedule date with your church
  1. Reserve location for Gathering
    • Need locations for Worship, and refreshments for 200+
  1. Choose a Fourth Day Speaker
    • 4th day talks are given by a lay person, and are 5 minutes in length
  1. Secure Clergy
    • Arrange for Clergy to prepare a 4th day response talk, and lead communion
  1. Secure Music Servants
    • Music Servants will lead worship for 20-30 minutes in beginning of Gathering and during offering time
  1. Refreshments and Food
    • The host church provides plates, cups, napkins, ice and beverages. The Community will bring food for sharing
  1. Notify your Church’s Emmaus Community
    • Assign volunteers to help with food, setup, cleanup, and welcoming.  Food Volunteers will receive food, and set it up for refreshment time.  Welcoming volunteers will greet Community, assist in parking and finding meeting location, and assist with name tags, and worship bulletins
  1. Nursery and Offering
    • Provide a nursery for children brought to the gathering, and the first fruits of the offering will cover nursery costs.  The remainder of offering will be given to the NGWTE Board for projects.
  1. Communication
    • Communicate with your church’s Emmaus Community, and the Gathering chairperson will notify the NGWTE Community of the gathering date, time and location.
  1. Create a Worship Bulletin/Provide Communion Elements
    • Create worship Bulletin to hand out to the community when they arrive to assist in the order of service.
    • Provide Communion Elements for up to 200 people for Communion